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DUI Attorney in Annapolis, Maryland

Receiving a DUI charge can be an overwhelming experience, whether you were driving under the influence or are completely innocent. At Gregory P. Robinson J.D., LLC, Attorney Robinson is ready to defend you or a loved one against this charge. He works diligently throughout Annapolis, Maryland, and the surrounding areas, to fight for your rights.

Throughout the process, Mr. Robinson will guide you through what you need to do, give you needed advice, listen to you without judgment, and fight for you through litigation. Some of the work that Attorney Robinson does include defending those accused of driving under the influence in court. He also will fight for you if you've driven before the motor vehicle registration.

Fighting for the Rights of Maryland Drivers

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Possible Penalties

The penalties that can come from a DUI offense can have a great effect on your life. Jail time, misdemeanors, felonies, fines, driver's license suspension, and more are all possible results to your offense. It's important to get experienced counsel so that together you can strive towards less severe penalties.

Possible Defenses

Some possible defenses against a DUI charge include the validity of law enforcement testing and practices, proving accuracy through other means, and more. Through this process, Attorney Robinson will fight for you and work towards either total forgiveness, sentence reductions, and/or less severe penalties. It's important that you move quickly during the process so that you can get help as soon as possible, so schedule a free consultation today.

DUI Attorney in Annapolis, Maryland

Attorney Robinson is ready to serve anyone that has been accused of or received a DUI in Annapolis, Maryland, or the surrounding areas of Centreville, Easton, Denton, Chestertown, or Prince Frederick. With years of working with individuals throughout the state process through and fight against a DUI charge, Mr. Robinson has the necessary skills and emotional care so that his clients can understand all their rights. Reach out today and schedule a free consultation with the confidence of knowing you aren't facing this alone.